A weighty issue

Category: Blog

by Johanna Osborne



Today I’m going to talk about something I don’t often talk about. At least not to people I don’t know. It’s the often discussed and thrashed out topic of weight. And don’t worry I’m not about to say something irritating like that I can eat whatever I want and not gain an ounce.


When I was a teenager I had a boyfriend who liked his girls to be thin, and he was pretty vocal about any that weren’t. Needless to say he wasn’t great for my self esteem, and even though I was far from “fat” I felt self conscious about my body shape and weight. At 18 years old it wasn’t a great way to feel and it took me quite some time to shake that. I look back at photos of myself back then and I could slap the boy – I was tiny, toned and terrific, and yet I felt like Hulk Hogan. If only I could time warp back to those days, I would certainly do a few things differently! And kicking him to the curb would be top of the list.


I think most women feel unhappy about their body at some point in their lives, which is a huge shame. We need to be proud of our bodies, our curves, and our so called flaws. They are all part of what makes us unique. And if someone loves you, they will love you regardless. Isn’t it funny, it takes so much to make you feel good about yourself, but hardly anything at all to undo all the good work with one stupid comment or remark. And whilst women are often each other’s worst critics, some thoughtless men can do more harm than they realise with one ignorant remark. Ironically it’s often those with big bellies and bald heads that are the first to dish out the criticisms. What you say about others says a lot about you!


What have I learnt? That majority of the most beautiful girls are not size 6, and that being slim is great but should not rule your world. When I met my now husband I was pretty thin, and one of the first things he said was “you’re too skinny, let’s eat something” and so our love affair began – with each other and also with food. We ditched the clubs and the bubbles and had more fun than ever before. We took a culinary tour of delicious delights, some rather fancy (crayfish at Quayside) others not so (KFC quater pack on the beach anyone?). Picnics, on the beach, giant ice creams in the Gold Lounge, lollies at midnight… those were some of the happiest days of my life. I had found someone who loved me for me and made me feel so good! He brought out the best in me – the boost in my confidence and overall happiness was priceless. Stephen injected a second life into me and that is just one of the many reasons I fell head over heels in love with him.



Whilst I’ve never had an eating disorder or ever been underweight (I think as a big portion loving German I just enjoy food too much to ever go without it for too long) I have certainly always been interested in the best way to eat to feel good, feel satisfied without the guilt afterwards. My dear brother who is a Doctor summed it up perfectly for me, if you want to eat as much as you like then you can’t go wrong with fruit and veggies. And I think that is the simplest, most fundamental “diet” rule ever. If you are like me and like to eat until you are full- not until you have finished your tiny hand sized plate of food- then this is a good one to follow. Eat as much as you like – no fruit or vegetable will ever make you fat, unless we are talking about a kg of potatoes fried in oil. Not to mention fruit and veggies make your skin glow, your hair shine and you energy levels soar. Yip, that’s the way to go in my humble opinion!


I personally never put a restriction on the amount of fruit I eat, starting each day with a giant fruit salad. I also make some pretty kick butt salads at night with avocado, capsicum, tomato, ham and almonds (roasted of course) a bit of feta cheese – all drizzled with olive oil and vinegar and maybe a few salad sprinkles (sesame and sunflower seeds) and Bob’s your uncle. Tasty and healthy!


I’m not diet expert nor am I a doctor, but I am someone who understands what it’s like to want to be slim and worry when you’ve given in to glorious junk food. But so what? You had a big indulgence? Carbs are good, treats are mandatory and joy is what makes the world go round. As long as you train yourself to reach for the good things instead of the bad 80% of the time, then you should be fine. And the big junk food blow outs are all the better for it – they are yummy and awesome, but somehow after you lay down on the couch in a sugar coma you realise why you don’t eat this way every day. Healthy eating is a lifestyle – and that is something you get through routine. Takes 3 times to make a habit, so try 3 days of clean eating and perhaps on your 4th the choices will be a little easier.


Too often when we think we are hungry all we need is a pick me up – a bottle of sparkling water, an iced tea or a glass of OJ. That’s sometimes all it takes, rather than those chocolate bars and chippies you think you might need at 4pm, when dinner is at 6pm and you will only spoil your appetite, only to get hungry again at 9pm and eat the wrong things (fast and easy!) so close to bed. Oh yes, meal times should be regulated like a child’s – don’t eat the nasties late, as they will cling to you in all the wrong places. And waking up with a full belly is not a good feeling, a food hangover is the worst! It’s best to eat early and let your body do its work when it still can. After all, when you get tired so does your metabolism, so how is your body supposed to process the food? I would recommend eating a nice big nutritious dinner as early as possible, no later than 7pm if you can manage. You will feel so much better waking up hungry the next day – and you can enjoy a big breakfast! Our bodies are truly little engines that need to be nurtured and loved. And starting a good cycle/routine is all it takes.


I will never give up my morning coffee, or the way I have it. Plunger, very strong with a big dollop of cream in it. It’s divine. And I have more than one cup. Coffee with cream, there is no other way – the European in me craves it. Nor will I ever stop ice cream, it’s my little slice of heaven. 3 scoops every time and not an ounce of guilt. Hot chocolate and chocolate in general will always be part of my staple diet. It seems I’m not alone, Coco Chanel visited Angelina of Paris daily for her hot chocolate fix, the thick sumptuous L’Africain – the stuff fantasies are made of – which you can only get at the likes of Scopa in Wellington on our little part of the world. To be honest, you don’t have to give anything up, just think about what you are having, and most importantly when – your instincts will do the rest. And who cares if you eat something bad at the wrong time. Tomorrow is a new day.


Moral of today’s story – take pride in your body, look after yourself and never ever let anyone make you feel bad. It is the duties of our boyfriends/fiances/husbands to make us feel good, love us and be our biggest supporters. Always.


“Your body hears everything your mind says.” Naomi Judd